Sunday, April 29, 2007

Broiled Steak & Garlic-Butter Spinach

We gobbled this up too quickly for a photo.

I got the recipe from a book I picked up for a buck at a yard sale--Cooking LIght's SuperFast Suppers. (Which I suppose is a healthy Rachel Ray, as most meals in it can be prepped under 30 minutes.)

In the book, this is paired with potatoes, but I opted for a spinach recipe since I'm trying to stay away from carbs.

I switched on the broiler. (I was nervous about cooking it this way, since I've only used the broiler to brown my adobo, never to cook something through.)

I mixed: the juice of half a lime, 3 T of Dijon, salt & pepper and minced garlic. I lay the nearly one-pound sirloin on a cookie sheet (man, I need a broiler pan!) and put half the mustard mix on top. It went into the oven for 4 minutes, came out, flipped, got the rest of the mustard mix, then back into the oven for another 4.

(I ended up cooking the steak for 12 minutes altogether, since I like my meat medium-rare, and for the 7-8 mins specified by the book, the meat still was too red for me. Also, my cookie sheet twisted. But it settled back into its original shape, almost.)

(I also zapped Teo's slice of steak for another 20 secs, to remove the redness from it altogether.)

For the spinach: you zap garlic, salt and butter (in our case, fake butter) for 25 secs in the mic; add a bag of spinach, cover and zap for another 2 minutes. Mix everything together.

(I added grated Pecorino and Padano.)

The meat was a big hit with the boys. Teo wasn't keen on the spinach. I think I should have removed the stems from the spinach. Good thing I also nuked him some corn & peas.

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